I've been selected as a Design Team Member over at
Scrapbook Challenges. This is a cool place that provides weekly sketches and challenges to help motivate and inspire you as a scrapbooker. The group is on
MySpace and I would love it if all of you would come on over and join me in the fun. I will have a layout up for the September 1 sketch and will be presenting a challenge on that day as well. Thanks to
Pamela for giving me this awesome opportunity!
Very cool! Congrats!
Congrats...we have a pro scrapper in the fam now...he he! Rock on!
Congrats! Can't wait to get to know you through the DT!
Yeah!!! So happy to have you on the team! Can't wait to see what you do! :)
Woo Hoo!!
I don't know anything bout scrapping but congrats!!!
Auntie M
Congrats! Looking forward to working with you!
Can't wait to play with you. :) Congrats!
congrats ! Can't wait to see what's next !
Congrats Telah!! You will go a great job I know! :)
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